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School Logo message on welcome reception desk

Education: Your School Reception Desk

Create a Welcoming and Professional Atmosphere with Customisable Education Reception Desks and Soft Seating from That's My School

At That's My School, we understand the importance of creating a welcoming and professional atmosphere in your school's reception area. That's why we offer a range of customisable education reception desks and soft seating solutions that are both functional and stylish.

Our reception desks

are designed to provide ample space for conducting business, while also offering a professional look and feel. You can even add your school's logo and custom printing to the desk to make it truly unique.

In addition to our reception desks, we also offer soft seating options that provide comfortable and stylish seating for visitors, students, and teachers. These soft seating options come in a variety of styles and materials, allowing you to choose the perfect solution to meet your specific needs.

Browse our collection today and start creating a welcoming and professional atmosphere in your school's reception area with the help of customisable education reception desks and soft seating solutions from That's My School.