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Office Design Guide - THATSMYOFFICE

Office Design Guide

What is it about Office Design and Layout

It isn't a surprise but a well designed and thought out office space can directly impact productivity. If the design and planning are done correctly you'll improve employee productivity and business productivity. Since the pandemic, offices are changing with more shared space, resulting in "hot-desking" and additional storage space for personal items. 

Office Space

1.  Consider the layout and plan a budget. It may seem like a lot of work is required up-front but getting it right saves you money in the long run. Think about your team and the number you have. Open-plan offices have been popular but may not suit everyone. Some private office space will be required and these can be actual office space or Office POD's. The culture of your business is important along with any growth plans, as the last thing you'll want is to move staff around after a few months. Are your staff mobile and do they need fixed desks or sit-stand desks? Don't forget the government announced tax breaks for office investment.

2.  Seating.  One of the most important investments you'll make. Remember we all come in different shapes and sizes and therefore having the right chair to work is important. See our Chair guide here

3.  Productivity Blocks.   Everyone needs short breaks to recharge both physically and mentally. Think about how everyone will stay focused and keep mentally alert. Encourage staff to move around by placing printers or coffee machines a short walk away from desks. Have small break out areas if possible and create multipurpose areas. Don't forget that sit-stand desks can encourage movement during the day.

Break out desk space

4.  Colour Choices. Colour has a significant effect on the psychology of the office, such as emotion and behaviour. You may have heard this all before but picking colours for your brand and design is important.

  • White. It is linked to cleanliness and can be sterile and is often used in large open spaces with dashes of colour.
  • Black. Conveys authority and when used as a complementary flavour it can perceive a luxurious workspace.
  • Purple. Is often described as the colour of ambition and is regarded as regal.
  • Green. Affiliated with balance, growth, and nature. Research also shows that it can improve your creative performance.
  • Blue. Perceived as one of the most productive colours. It can be used to boost relaxation and intellectual thought.
  • Red. An emotionally intense colour that can raise mental energy flow and is ideal as furniture or added "pops" of colour

5.  Natural Light.  We moved our office to get more natural light recently which is essential for circadian rhythms and not surprisingly vitamin D.

“Day-shift office workers’ quality of life and sleep may be improved via emphasis on light exposure and lighting levels in current offices as well as in the design of future offices. The extent to which daylight exposure impacts office workers is remarkable,” said study co-author Ivy Cheung, a neuroscience doctoral candidate at Northwestern UniversityWhilst you may not be able to add windows, don't block out natural light.

6.  Personal Items. Research has shown that simple art whether it's a poster, or motivational quotes can stimulate and motivate staff. Think about sitting and looking at a blank wall, time for some colour and imagery. Allowing colleagues to add some personalisation has been shown to reduce stress and improve productivity.

7.  Plants/Plants/Plants.   We have all seen the studies and it is well-known plants reduce stress and clean the air. Think about low maintenance plants and if possible add to simple storage areas' (it stops items being left on cabinets etc). There are lots of companies providing a plant service but it's also good to encourage staff to look after the office.

8.  Meeting Rooms. It has been reported that Managers spend 35% of their time in meetings and there are two trains of thought around this.

  • Create meeting rooms that are as productive as possible, eliminate distractions and use as much natural light as possible, use inspiring colours. Ensure that with online conferencing and meetings that technology is included.
  • Alternatively, ensure meetings rooms are functional as above but remember meetings can over-run, keep seating comfortable but not so much that everyone wants to "stay all day"

9.  BreakOut and Amenities. Providing staff with areas to talk, meet and catch up is important away from the desk/office or warehouse. Whilst, not every office space has room, think about small break out spaces and social spaces. This is an increasing focus as staff work remotely and from home as productivity is improved.

Officer Space

Working spaces

If you have questions or want a quote contact us 

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